We are experts in Viking age
combat & crafts.
Welcome! We are the Boston Viking Irish, the Boston chapter of the International Army of Jomsborg. We are an international organization with chapters in many different countries all over the globe.
We are a chapter of Utland Storm, one of the 5 “storms” or regional groupings of chapters within Jomsborg. Utland Storm is made up of the chapters in North America and South America.
We celebrate Viking culture, reenact & recreate Viking age combat techniques, and practice various crafts that would have been a part of daily life for the Iron Age Norse people.
We often host and perform at various events throughout the calendar year. Some of these are international events that we travel to. If you’d like to join our ranks or hire us, click on the contact tab in the menu.
Diversity & Inclusion
As a worldwide organization, our aim is promote Viking culture in the modern world. We accept members regardless of culture, creed, religion, race, ethnicity, gender, or sexual orientation and will publicly respect this. As a worldwide organization, we build unity in diversity. This means we respect the diversity of the cultures within our ranks. No one culture is ascendant over another. Any member who expresses opinions in public contravening this will be expelled. This includes open statements in social media. This wide-ranging diversity is the unique strength of Jomsborg as a worldwide organization.